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The Children of the Sultan
Fantastic Opera in 9 Scenes

Composition Avner Dorman



Twin sister and brother Fadeya and Taseh embark on a big adventure: they are looking for their father, whom they have never met. But he isn´t just anybody – he is the ruler of Sultania, a country in a faraway desert. The journey to his palace proves to be full of danger.  The children encounter a giant dragon-snake that wants to eat them for dinner in its cave; they are almost drowned by a raging river; and they have to overcome an unclimbable wall in the desert. How can they cope? Magical characters and omniscient objects come to the aid of the clever twins and help them make their way through. And who is their most important companion on this adventure?  A talking camel!

While the tale occurs in the present, at once it has the feel of a classic epic from the past.


The colors of the different countries and cultures are musically captured by Avner Dorman, an award-winning composer from Israel now living in the United States, who experiences this same interconnectedness of different worlds on a daily basis. Dorman mixes instruments and scales from around the world with the classical forms and conventions of Western music. The result is a highly imaginative world of sound, spiced up with a good portion of musical humor.

Source: Translation of Spielzeitheft Theater Dortmund 2019/2020

German Original Title
Die Kinder des Sultans


3 women, 4 men, chorus



English (in progress)

March 20, 2022 Theater Dortmund, Musical Director Christoph JK Müller
Director Anna Drescher, Scene Design/Costumes Tatjana Ivschina, Chorus Fabio Mancini, Dramaturgy Merle Fahrholz.

Second Premiere Theater Bonn on November 13, 2022.


Information on the production

The Children of the Sultan was commissioned by Theater Dortmund in Cooperation with the Junge Opern Rhein-Ruhr - Deutsche Oper am Rhein Düsseldorf/Duisburg and Oper Bonn.



Trailer Production

Trailer Music

Trailer Costumes
Warm up

Theaterpedagogical Material

Performance Rights
G.Schirmer, Inc (ASCAP), New York, NY, USA
in Cooperation with
VERLAG DER AUTOREN GmbH & Co. KG, Taunusstraße 19, 60329 Frankfurt am Main
Tel. 069/238574-20, Fax 069/24277644, theater(at)

Picture Rights
The Photos of THE CHILDREN OF THE SULTAN are made available by permission of Theater Bonn, © Thilo Beu, 2022. Directing Anna Drescher, Stage Design & Costumes Tatjana Ivschina, Musical Director Daniel Johannes Mayr/Christoph JK Müller. With Susanne Blattert, Juhwan Cho, Ava Gesell, Pavel Kudinov, Carl Rumstadt, Santiago Sanchez, Sarah-Lena Winterberg, the Opera Chorus and the Beethoven Orchestra Bonn.


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